
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 04:52:04
As the Union armies pressed forward Lincoln gave increasing attention to the problem of restoring peace when victory was achieved. It must be done,he said in his second inaugural address,"With malice toward none;with charity for all..."Desiring a speedy reconstruction of a united republic, he set forth a simple plan.Ten percent of the voters in a Confederate state,if they took an oath of allegiance to the United States, could organize a government and resume their old place in the federal union. By 1865 several states were putting the plan into operation. But strong opposintion had developed in Congress. Many Republicans belived that such generosity was unrealistic. They felt that there should be more punishment for Southern traitors and more protection for freed slaves. The whole question of Reconstruction remained unsettled at the time of Lincoln's death.(From Abraham Lincoln and the American Civil War by E.Fehrenhacher)
汗哦。。。也没错 的确和南北战争有关系

美国南北战争,,,,太长了懒得翻译= =
