
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 23:00:35
我能否再次邀请您来中国讲学?我近期会和Neil商量,您愿意再次来到中国吗?我可以当面拜您为师吗? 哪位老大帮忙把上面那段文字翻译为英文,一定要翻译正确啊,那是一封发给外国人的邮件,谢谢大家了,我会给高分的!!


Can I once again invite you to come to China to give lectures?


I will talk to Neil recently, would you like to come to China again?


Can I respect you as my teacher with the presence of you ?


Can I once again invite you to come to China to give lectures? I discuss the recent and Neil, you would like to once again come to China? I can personally thanks you for your division?

Can I have the honor to invite you to give a lecture in China once again? I will discuss it with Neil soon. Will you come to China again? Can you accept me as your student when you come?

Can I invite you to come to China to give a lecture again?I will discuss with Neil recent,would you like to come to China one more time?

would you do me the honor to give a lecture in China once again?

I will negotiate with Neil recently, would you come one more time