
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 22:37:59

If there is only one glass of purified water in the world, if there is one square of forest in our country, if there is no fireplace for you and me to get warmed, and when all ifs come to its possibilities, that's the doomsday for us.
【注意】前面的这三个排比句根据句式的需要,要使用近似的句式,所以使用if there is这样的结构,后面的时间一词不要死译,“也就是我们的灭亡之时”,可以用:That's the time of extermination for us,但是这样前面已经用过time了就不太好,直接用doomsday,从宗教的层面使英语更有国际化的色彩,更能被西方人所理解和接受。
In recent years, the warnings of exhaustion of some unrecycled resources have been alert around our ears【注意】此处的“传入我们的耳中”不要死译成“pass to our ears”, but the people seem to turn a deaf year to all these. The manic exploration and the recalcitrant wastes are still being on around us. In this circumstance, the supplement of Sustainable Development Scheme and the legislation of measures against the wastes are in ur