
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/17 07:42:07


闪电结婚,被如今的年轻人形象地称为“ 闪婚”“。闪婚”为什么会在现代社会中流行?心理专家认为,现在的社会讲求速度和效率,环境也比较宽松、开放。年轻人更讲究自我,喜欢
“ 跟着感觉走”。在激情催生下“,闪婚”应运而生。当然,一些社会因素也会促成“ 闪婚”,比如一方要出国留学,或者为了却父母心愿,或者为了金钱、户口等因素。不过,专家们却一致认为“,闪婚”违背婚姻规律,结婚应该三思而后行。婚姻顾问认为“,闪婚”夫妻一般会有“ 后遗症”,如果是在利益驱动下结合的,风险会更大。据有关统计,一见钟情的婚姻成功率仅为10% 。“ 闪婚”不符合婚姻规律,因为爱是婚姻的基石,而这是一种需要双方深入了解才能建立起来的感情“,闪婚”显然满足不了这种需求。



The foundation of flash marriage and the emotional isn't steady,but when the marriage is once established, in addition to their love of the battlefield foundation, but also to foster responsibility, moral values, or so since a lightning-style intriguing, based on human inertia, and does not exclude others will be the second and third of lightning. Love rings crash occurred, usually emotional impulses entrenched mentality of the whole and not for this particular reason to participate in the event, and when rational never, or only on prices, and even driven to emotional impulses for the fault, then the marriage will be like a burst of torrential rain which is more urgent, to keep only left much bruise. So only is the responsibility established, a good love given by God can be maintained!

The base of emtion is unstable about instand marry .once making sure of marring one should not only maitain relationship actively ,but take up responsbility and ethic.otherwise one would no