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It's Not the Spotlight Rod Stewart

If I ever feel the light again,
Shining down on me,
I don't have to tell you,
How welcome it would be,
I felt the light before,
But I let it slip away,
An' I just keep on believing,
That it'll come back someday.
It's not the spotlight,
It's not the candlelight,
Its not the streetlight,
But some old street of dreams,
It ain't the moonlight,
Not even the sunlight,
But I've seen it shining in your eyes,
And you know what I mean.
Sometimes I try to tell myself,
The light was never real,
Just a fantasy that used to be,
The way I used to feel,
But you and I know better,
Even though it's been so long,
Now if your memory really
serves you well,
You'll never tell me no wrong.
It's not the spotlight,
It's not the candlelight,
Its not the streetlight,
Its some ol