
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 21:10:12
英语口试,两人对话,大概六七句话!难度一般!内容为:talking about weather;offering help;going shopping !!!
我要的不是三段对话,而是一整段!!一整段里包括了talking about weather;offering help和going shopping!!

Weather: a: How is the weather going to be tomorrow? b: I think the radio said it's gonna be a major snow storming and temperature will drop to minus twenty degrees. a: That sounds terrible to me.

Help: a: Excuse me, could you please do me a favor? I am preparing an English conversation but I really have no clue what to say. I know you are very kind, could you please help me on this? b: Sure, no big deal.

Shopping: a: Would you mind go shopping with me tomorrow? b: I am sorry, I have an appointment with my dentist tomorrow. a: I think you just don't like to go with me! b: To be honest with you, that is true. I am tired to be dragged around for hours and you don't really buy anything.