英翻中 (5)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 15:10:25
1. Language is a vehicle of meaning that we do not even realize we are using, in other words, a vehicle that is transporting a person’s message somewhere but is not itself the object of the trip.

2. For this reason it is frequently less painful for teachers and students to continue working on the construction of the vehicle than to try it out for level of performance.

3. In a model of foreign-language teaching and learning processes that is not quite well known, I have distinguished skill-getting, represented by both cognition and production (or pseudo-communication), from skill-using in interaction, which involves both reception and expression and is dependent on motivation to communicate.

4. John Holt describes the mechanisms students employ to defend themselves in class and protect their real selves from the humiliation and embarrassment that could result if they ventured to express themselves in an uncertain, of ten hostile environment and this in

1 。语言是一种工具的意义,我们甚至不知道我们正在使用,换句话说,这是车辆运送一个人的信息的地方,但本身不是对象的访问。
2 。出于这个原因,人们往往不太痛苦为教师和学生继续努力建设的车辆,而不是亲身体验的性能水平。
3 。在一个模型外语教学和学习过程不是众所周知,我尊敬的技能获得,所代表的两种认知和生产(或伪通信) ,来自技能使用的互动,其中包括两个接待和表达和积极性是依赖于沟通。
4 。约翰霍尔特介绍雇用学生的机制来保护自己的阶级和保护他们的真正的自我的羞辱和尴尬,这可能导致如果他们敢于表达自己在一个不明朗的,敌对的环境中的10个,这在他们的母语。
5 。早期互动实践要求自我克制和得体的部分教师。
6 。这是不可避免的,那么,该方法建议将改变我们的知识,这三个因素的演变,与先前的假设被拒绝和接受的新房舍。
7 。在较早的时期,例如,一个更听话的学生人口,似乎可将下属个别学生的有效的制度为自己的好,看到他们的老师。
8 。真正成功的教师是高度个性。
9 。最重要的是,他们不留陷入了自己的纪律,但看到它与总的教育经验。
10 。在步骤?为什么不能也成为率先在迎接新的挑战,寻求新的机会,而剩下的真正的领导的实质,他们自己的纪律?