
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 02:47:21
do the cleaning
sweep the floor
clean the blackboard
tidy the desks
carry water

Today is Monday.All of the sudents in Class2 Grade1 are doing the cleaning now.Look!Lilei is sweeping the floor.Marry is cleaning the blackboard. Lily and Lucy are tidying the desks. And some boys are carrying the water!They are tired. But I think they are happy to do that with their classmates!

Today our class are doing the cleaning. Some are sweeping the floor. Two girls are cleaning the blackboard. Some are tidying the desks. And there are still some boy students carrying the water. They are all working hard to make our classroom clean. What am I doing? Haha, I'm writing the composition and decide to send it to our scool newspaper!