
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 04:30:54
1 最近还好吗?
2 你打算什么时候回来?
3 现在是休息时间
4 现在正在上课
5 最近身体怎么样?
6 她考试考的怎么样?
7 什么时候回中国
8 你现在在哪里.

1.How are you recently?
2 When are you going to come back?
3 Now it is the time to rest
4.We are having class now
5.How are you recently?
6.What about her examination?
7.When will you come back to China?
8.Where are you now?

问身体的表达方式有很多,1 5都可以这样问的

1 最近还好吗? How are you?
2 你打算什么时候回来? When will you come back?
3 现在是休息时间 It's time for resting.
4 现在正在上课 It's time for class.
5 最近身体怎么样? How are you feeling ?
6 她考试考的怎么样? How about her exam?
7 什么时候回中国 When will you come back to China?
8 你现在在哪里. where are you ?

1. How have you been?
2. When will you come back?
3. Break~
4. I am having a class.
5. How are you?
6. How is her exam?
7. When will you com back to China?
8. Where are you?

How recently?
When are you going to come back?
Now is the time to rest
Classes are now