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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/16 04:44:17
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按照“安全、经济、实用、美观”的原则,依据当地地质和气象的实际情况,按规范要求,选用钢筋混凝土框架结构,普通砖墙体,现浇混凝土楼板。对结构进行了全面的分析,对屋盖、楼盖设计采用弹性理论计算。取一榀具有代表性的框架进行计算。利用满布法确定活荷载的分布,采用弯矩二次分配法计算框架梁柱在竖向荷载作用下的内力,,按规范要求,要考虑抗震,地震作用采用底部剪力法计算,在各种荷载情况下的框架内力求得后,分别考虑地震荷载,恒荷载和活荷载由可变荷载效应控制的组合和由永久荷载效应控制的组合,并比较三种组合的内力,取不利值进行内力组合,进行框架梁柱的截面设计和配筋计算,并验算了强度。此外对现浇楼梯、联合基础等结构也进行了详细的内力计算与验算。最后采用AUTO CAD出建筑施工图。用PKPM出结构结构施工图!
〔关键词〕 钢筋混凝土,框架,结构设计


Xi’an Comprehensive Building a frame structure design
Name: Student ID:

Abstract: This project is a commercial office building in Xi'an, for the multi-storey reinforced concrete frame structure. Engineering seismic intensity of 8 degrees, the project covers an area of about 961 square meters, construction area of 4662.24 square meters. A total of five, 1-2 layers of 5.1 meters high, to shopping malls, other layers are 3.6 meters high, for office space. The total building height of 21 meters, 0.85 meters high parapet, indoor and outdoor relief for the 0.45 meters. Building a total length of 46.2 meters, with a total width of 20.8 meters. Framework for the secondary level earthquake. Fire resistance rating of the building two, three-level rating for roofing
In accordance with the "security, economic, practical and beautiful" principle, based on local geology and meteorology of the actual situation, in accordance with regulatory r