
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 03:54:13
这道题目应该不会很复杂, 只用到初级的几个代码. 多谢各位了.

Given user inputs a string, substring, and a
replacement string. Replace the substring with
the replacement string, if it exists and print the
new string. Otherwise just say that the substring
does not exist.
􀂄 You may NOT use the find() and replace()
methods of a string
􀂄 For example, if the user inputs the following:
– String: This is a string.
– Substring: a
– Replacement string: the
Your program should print: This is the string.
􀂄 Hint: You will need loops, break statements, etc


#simple with the func of replacement()

def tw0(string,sub,rep):
if sub not in string:
return 'error,please again'
return string

if __name__ == '__main__':
x=raw_input('the string: ')
y=raw_input('substring: ')
z=raw_input('replacement string: ')
print tw0(x,y,z)


#楼主给的是英文题,也正好给我增长一下阅读理解,准备两天后的六级 :)...THX