
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/26 10:52:41
基本原理:原水--→ 加明矾 --→ 沉淀 --→ 过滤 --→ 加氯气


Sewage treatment:
According to different levels, sewage sludge sewage treatment can be divided into secondary and tertiary treatment,. Primary treatment basically is in a suspension of solid waste, mainly by the interception and settlement, oil physical method. Second is the main task for the treatment of wastewater is greatly removed the colloid and dissolved organic pollutants, use the method of activated sludge, the biological treatment membrane. 3 processing and depth, its purpose is to remove the suspended, inorganic wastewater and other pollutants, the commonly used method is mainly physical and chemical methods, such as the technology adsorption, ion exchange and coagulation precipitate, oxidation, etc.
Urban sewage by grid, a leaking (tank), remove the suspended and gravel, large and aeration biological treatment into second leaking (second pond) spate separation, separated from the sludge sedimentation of back into aeration, another part of the concentration, the