汉译英 标准地道

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 03:02:30

what we have is not a prestige school or a great hard evidence,but a tough job market

We are not from a prestigious school.
(prestigious school=名校)
The facilities of our school are not too good.
We're confronted with severe employment situation.

We are not from a prestigious school.
The establishment in our school is not very good.
We face serious employment crisis.


We didn't graduate from famous schools.
the teaching condition/hardware in our school isn't good enough
we are faced with serious employment situation

We are not the scholars from famous university.
The hardware environment in our school is not very good.
We are facing with a tough job market.

We're not students from big-branding Universities;
Facilities of our college is not so good;
We're now facing stressful employment environment;