
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 18:32:50

Statement: the above content for the product release and measured parameters are for reference only, not as ordering and acceptance criteria. XXX firm Reserves the right to all the content and modification. If there is caused by technical updating and technical parameters, adjustment, without prior notice. Pictures by technical conditions, color in the event of any discrepancy, please.

Disclaimer: the above products measured parameters when it is published for reference purposes only and not as an order, acceptance criteria. The entire contents of XXX reserves the ultimate right of interpretation and revision. Caused due to a technical update if the configuration and adjustment of technical parameters without notice. Picture color by technical conditions, if not, please, whichever kind.

Above content for the product release and measured parameters are for reference only, not as ordering and acceptance criteria. XXX Co., LTD. Reserves the right to all the con