
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 11:09:35
宏艺宫面的特点:宫面的取名源于明清时期的宫廷御膳贡品,洁白光滑、条纹如丝,耐火不糟,回锅不烂,不粘不坨,入口细腻筋斗,所以当时只有皇室贵族才有这样的口福。 宏艺宫面因为是纯手工制作,不添加任何对身体有害的东西,可以称得上是一种绿色有机食品,除了这些,宫面还有一个让人惊叹的地方,如果您用放大镜观看其截面,就会发现每一根竟然都是空心的。这些特点都跟宫面的的制造工艺是分不开的。 因为是完全手工,要经过13到工艺;需制作14小时;在无污染区域72小时自然风干;经切断成18cm长,直径为0.7mm左右的合格品;方可包装。每年平均只有136天左右可正常生产,因为天气原因:过冷(零下2摄氏度);过热(常温35摄氏度);雨天;阴天;雾天;潮气十足的天气。都不允许生产。 工人把抻制的宫面,一根从头至尾300米长度,直径0.7mm左右,呈空心。所以说过去也只有皇帝才可以也才能吃上这矫情的宫面,为御膳品。
日本冷素面 日本料理-冷素面制作方法
虾2只 ;鸡蛋1只 ;冬菇2只
素面汁材料:木鱼精 2粒 ;味醂1/2茶匙 ;淡口酱油1/2茶匙 ;水1碗

The characteristics: the macro art palace in the palace of the Ming and qing dynasties, named from palace on white and smooth, herb, such as silk, refractory stripe is not bad, and later, non-stick not lump, entrance, so only exquisite somersaults royal aristocrats had such a wide. Macro art palace face because it is pure handmade, don't add anything harmful to the body, can it is a green, organic food, in addition to the face and a palace of amazing place, if you use a magnifying glass to watch its section, you will find every one that is hollow. These characteristics are the palace with the manufacturing process are inseparable. Because it is fully manual, after 13 to process, To make 14 hours, Contamination area in 72 hours nature airing, The cut into 18cm long, diameter of 0.7 mm around the unqualified, Before packaging. A year on average only 136 days normal production, because it can cause: super-cooling (minus 2 degrees Celsius), Overheating (normal 35 degrees Celsius), R