
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/12 19:57:52
这个换位思考的观点很好,医生和患者就应该站在对方的角度思考问题。 医生与患者关系应是合作协调的关系,不仅仅是利益关系。在两者之间,医生是强势群体,患者是弱势群体,所以左右两者关系的关键在于医生,医生是主宰。所以,医患关系的好坏关键在于医生。作为医生,首先的应该为患者着想。首先做到的是医德,利益应该在其中,利益不是最重要的。为什么现在医患关系日益恶化?主要原因在医生,是因为在现实社会环境的影响,医生的心也浮躁起来,看到人人都发财,自己心里不平衡了,也想生财之路,自然就想到患者身上。听医生的抱怨似乎有道理,听医院的理由好像也值得同情。但是,一个最根本的理由大家都忘记了。就是医德,救死扶伤是医生的天职,是医院永恒的责任。离开这点谈其他都是没有道理的。离开这点,才会使医患关系恶化,如果把医患关系仅仅定位在买卖关系,经济利益关系,这必然会导致医德沦丧。使患者利益包括生命健康遭到严重损害,到头来,医生和医院同样会受到损害。中国几千年来医生就是靠格守医德才可以生存发展的,也正因如此,医生在人们心目中具有崇高地位。而现在为什么人们心目中的天使变成了恶神?就是一个医德丧失了。究其原因,除了医生、医院自身问题外,更重要的是社会道德的沦丧、人们思想混乱、社会管理指导思想体系混乱造成的。为什么患者怨、医院冤?管理部门又无奈?这是社会医疗管理体系混乱造成的各种关系不和谐,医患不能和谐相处,医生与医院不能和谐相处,管理部门与医院不相协调。所以,要想使医疗体系和谐,最重要的要恢复医德,不要以经济利益代替一切

Transposition of view on this very good, doctors and patients should stand on each other's point of view on the issue. Doctors and patients should be cooperation and coordination between the relationship, not just of interest. In between, doctors are strong groups, with the disadvantaged groups, about the relationship between the two is the key doctor is the key. Therefore, the doctor-patient relationship is the key to good or bad doctors. As a doctor, the first patients to be considerate. First do is ethics, which should interest, interest is not the most important. Why now doctor-patient relationship is deteriorating? The main reason for doctors, because in reality the social environment of a doctor, the heart impetuous, see everybody getting rich, the imbalance in their hearts, the road to wealth naturally thought of patients. Doctors listen to the complaints seem justified, listening to the hospital grounds seem to be sympathetic.That is the ethics, the wounded is the bounde