
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 06:32:19

An OpenGL® to Postscript®
Class Library

GLP is a C++ class library that uses the feedback mechanism in OpenGL library to generate Adobe Postscript output suitable for printout or inclusion in a document. Use of GLP is governed by the GNU Library General Public License.

Source code for GLP version 0.1 is freely available:

GLP 0.1 Source Code for UNIX machines (libGLP-0.1.tar.gz)
GLP 0.1 Source Code for Windows 95/NT machines (
GLP is currently under development and version 0.1 can be considered (at best) a "beta" release. GLP only supports vector drawing primitives (points, lines, triangles, quads, polygons) due to limitations in the OpenGL feedback mechanism. The OpenGL Stream extension (GLS) proposed by Silicon Graphics® may remove this limitation. Feedback is used to reduce memory requirements and improve output quality. It also works around one particularly nasty problem with the current OpenGL