
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 13:26:45
After watching sales falling off for three straight months at Kentucky Fried Chicken,the Manager calls up the Pope and asks foe a favor:
"I need you to change the daily prayer from'Give us this day our daily bread'to 'Give us this day our daily chicken'.If you do it ,I will donate 10 million dollars to the church."
The pope replies,"I am sorry .That is the Lord's prayer and I cannot change the words."So the Manager hangs up.
After another month of disappointing sales,the Manager is frightened,and calls again."Listen your Excellency I really need your help.I'll donate 50 million dollars if you change the words of the daily prayer"
And the Pope responds,"It is very tempting,Manager Sanders.The church cuold support many charities with that much money.But,again,I must refuse.It is Lord's prayer,and I can't change the work"
SO the Manager gives up again.After two more month of terri


     “我需要你来改变我们的每日祈祷'这一天我们的日常生活 '给我们这一天我们的日常生活鸡' 。如果你这样做,我将捐赠1000万美元的教堂。 ”

  教皇回答说, “我很抱歉。这是上帝祈祷,我不能改变的话。 ”因此,经理挂断。

  经过一个月的销售业绩不佳,经理是吓坏了,并再次呼吁。 “听阁下我真的需要你帮助.I马上捐赠5000万美元,如果你改变的话,每天的祈祷”

   教皇回应, “这是非常具有诱惑力,经理教会有 许多慈善机构的支持,许多钱,再次,我必须refuse.It是上帝祈祷,我不能改变的工作”

  因此,经理放弃r两个月后份可怕的销售,经理人会绝望。 “这是我的最终报价,您.I将捐出1亿美元”

  教皇回答说, “让我回到你”

    所以第二天, 连同他所有的主教和他说, “我有一些好消息和一些坏消息.The好消息是,肯德基将捐出100万dollarsto教会”

  主教们很高兴在一个t坏教皇回答说, “坏消息是,我们失去了神奇面包帐户”
