
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 04:57:33




solemnly declare:
This work is for personal collection only, all copyright reserved by original author. Should not be used for commercial purposes and be reproduced in any form. The author take nothing for The legal responsibilities based on that

This work is only for personal use, enjoy collecting all the original copyright belongs to all. Shall not be used for any commercial purpose, in any form, not being circulated on the Internet, based on the spread of any legal liability and the author.

The collection of works only for personal use to enjoy, and all Copyright of all original author. Shall not be used for any commercial purposes and may not be reproduced in any form shall not be circulating the Internet to spread, based on this have any legal responsibility has nothing to do with the author.

This work only for indivi