
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/10 16:01:39
1.《狮子王》第一部 小时候 辛巴和娜娜出去玩 沙祖想阻止他们 好多动物都跑出来 那时候辛巴和沙祖合唱了一首歌 有几句“所有人往左看,所有人往右看``````”还有“干脆离开这个烂地方我再也不想管``” 请帮我找一下这首歌的所有歌词 最好有下载地址
2.《小美人鱼》第一部 王子生日那个晚上 爱丽儿看到王子的船之前 在海底和那个像螃蟹一样的动物唱歌 叫《在那海底》好象 要歌词 有下载地址更好 还有爱丽儿经常哼唱的那段旋律
3.还有一个知名度不太高的 《小姐与流浪汉》中间它们在雪地上用爪子画桃心时的那段音乐

最好全部找到 如果不行一.两个也可以

  I Just Can't Wait to Be King (等我长大来当王)

  I'm gonna be a mighty king
  So enemies beware!

  [Zazu]Well I've never seen a king of beasts
  With quite so little hair

  [Simba]I'm gonna be the mane event
  Like no king was before
  I'm brushing up on looking down
  I'm working on my roar

  [Zazu]Thus far, a rather uninspiring thing

  [Simba]Oh, I just can't wait to be king!

  [Simba]No one saying do this
  [Nala] No one saying be there
  [Simba]No one saying stop that
  [Nala] No one saying see here
  [Zazu] Now see here!
  [Simba]Free to run around all day
  Free to do it all my way

  [Zazu]I think it's time that you and I
  Arranged a heart to heart

  [Simba]Kings don't need advice
  From little hornbills for a start

  [Zazu]If this is where the monarchy is headed