
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/27 15:09:13
In this connection we may venture to make a comparison between American Puritanism and Chinese Confucianism. There are indeed elements in Confucianism,which awaken abhorrence and even invoke a curse among the Chinese, and often in modern history a revolutionary was he who proved himself first an energetic iconoclast. Both the wrath and the action werer justified, though the fact still remains that Confucianism alone has been the most powerful shaping factor in the cultural maturity of the Chinese nation.It has ,through the centuries,for better or for worse, burned its way into the very fabric of Chinese social life, and way down into the Chinese consciousness,so that even the most incorruptible anti-Confucianist cannot escape its influence.Such is the force of a tradition that one tends to realize, however slowly,that one will do better to make a pact with it and "give the devil its due."Thus it is that when the mists of time have cleared away,traditions such as A

