On vacation 英语作文 初中

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 07:14:09
速度!!!要100字 带翻译!!!!
速度!!!!!!考试用!!!最重要的是 开头和结尾!!!!

On Vacation
After a long period of study, I am having a long vacation now.I have a good plan for the vacation.First,I would like to have a good sleep,which I can not do during school days.Then I will get online for some days to see what is going on throughout the world.And third that is also my favorite is to go out of the city as far as I can with some of my good friends,bag on back.The outside world is so wonderful that I usually dream of it.Now my dream will come true and you can't imagine how happy I am!
一段漫长的学习之后,我终于等到了一个漫长的假期。我,有了一个好计划。首先,好好的睡上一觉,这在读书期间可不是能享受得到的。然后,在网上好好的泡泡。看看全世界变成怎么样了。最后也是我至爱的,就是背上背包,邀上三五知己,离开这个烦嚣的城市,越远越好。外面的世界很精彩,时而入我梦中哦,如今 ,此梦快成真,你可想象我是何等欢欣啊!

1.vacation , I and my parents went to the beach. There are many people here on vacation. Some are taking photos. Others are lying on the beach .We had great fun playing in the water. In afternoon, we decided to play tennis. We played all afternoon. We felt very tired but very happy. And we