
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 05:46:02
4. This personal essay helps us become acquainted with you in ways different from courses, grades, test scores, and other objective data. It will demonstrate your ability to organize your thoughts and express yourself. Given your personal background, evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or; discuss some issue of personal, local, or international concern and its importance to you, or; describe a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that influence. We are looking for an essay that will help us know you better as a person and as a student.

5. Please explain in some detail your purpose in studying at Seoul National University and your plans for study. Be as specific as you can regarding your academic interests and the curriculum you expect to follow in achieving your goals.



4 .这有助于我们个人随笔熟悉你的方式不同的课程,成绩,考试成绩,以及其他客观数据。这将证明你的能力,组织您的想法和表达自己。鉴于你的个人背景,评价一个重要的经验,成就,你已经采取的风险,或者;讨论一些问题的个人,地方,或国际社会关注和重视你,或者描述一个人谁了重大的影响你,并说明这种影响。我们正在寻找的作文,这将帮助我们了解您,作为一个人,作为一名学生。

5 .请解释在一定程度上详细研究的目的在汉城国立大学和您的计划进行研究。提供尽可能具体的您可以对您的学术兴趣和课程是您预期的后续实现自己的目标。