
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 10:15:26
这是我一篇历史论文的英文摘要。主要看一下语法、词汇搭配上的错误(不必严苛把中文摘要的每个意思都翻成英文) ~~~~~谢啦

Merchants from whole country came to Shanghai after Shanghai was opened as a treaty port, and established some“T`ung-Hsiang” Organizations based on native place.These organizations acted an important role in the process of the development of Shanghai.In the past twenty years,many mainland ,even some overseas, scolars were attracted to this problem.They published many works or dissertations on it.In this article,I’ll try to summarize the researches of mainland scolars and benefit from the new viewpoint of some overseas scolars and hope to give some inspirations for the academic circle 上海自1843年开埠之后,全国各地的商人纷至沓来。他们依据地缘,结成许多不同的同乡团体,在日后上海发展过程中起到了非常重要的作用。在最近的20年里,这一研究领域引起了许多大陆学者,甚至一些海外学者的关注。相继出版、发表了许多关于近代上海同乡团体的研究著作、论文。本文旨在梳理这20年大陆学者的研究脉络,并结合海外学者的一些研究成果,希望为学界今后在该问题的研究提出一些建议。

Merchants all over the nation came to Shanghai after the openning of port since 1843 and they established some "Fellow organizations" based on native places. These organizations played an important role during the process of Shanghai's development since then. In the past two decades, many scholars from mainland even overseas paid attention to this area. They published a lot of works and dissertations. In this paper, I manage to summarize the researches of mainland scholars combined with the achievement of some overseas scolars, and try to present some opinions for the academia.
