
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 11:27:13


I feel more relaxed(松口气就是感到更加轻松)after reading your letter. I should prepare my SAT test before I send these documents. I like Chinese classic culture, and I am going to some classic Chinese cities to collect folk songs(采风) this summer. I was planned to be a volunteer in Sichuan or Africa, yet I connected some organizations and informed(告知)that they don't have any vacancies(空缺). I was intended to write these into my documents. I read a magazine saying about the students from the United College(联合学院) will become volunteers in Africa, it's troublesome! When it comes to here(说到这里), I recall a remark said by my mother(用被动语态更地道), which is how can you enter the organization by virtue of(凭借) a few activies? To my mom(对于某人来说),the United College is a sacred college, only some really capable people are eligible for(有资格) entering the college. I gave the your letter to my mom, and she couldn't believe I have chated with the students from the United College(联合学院的学生). She thought you a