
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/28 05:58:05

A division of the United Kingdom, the southern part of the island of Great Britain. Originally settled by Celtic peoples, it was subsequently conquered by Romans, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Danes, and Normans. Acts of union joined England with Wales in 1536, with Scotland in 1707 to create the political entity of Great Britain, and with Ireland in 1801 to form the United Kingdom. London is the capital and the largest city of both England and the United Kingdom. Population, 46,220,955.

A constituent country of the United Kingdom comprising the northern part of the island of Great Britain and the Hebrides, Shetland Islands, and Orkney Islands. Inhabited by Picts in prehistoric times, the region was invaded but never conquered by the Romans and split into a va

英格兰,苏格兰,爱尔兰,威尔士,英国 英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士、爱尔兰的英文介绍 英格兰、苏格兰、爱尔兰、威尔士是什么概念? 英国足协为什么要分:英格兰,苏格兰,威尔士,爱尔兰? 爱尔兰,北爱尔兰,苏格兰,威尔士,英格兰他们有什么关系?历史上是为什么分开的? 为什么奥运会是英国代表团,而世界杯要分英格兰、苏格兰、爱尔兰和威尔士呢? 为什么英国可以以北爱尔兰.威尔士.苏格兰.英格兰四个郡来参加各项国际足球大赛 实际上爱尔兰苏格兰威尔士一直都是断断续续的属于英格兰,那为什么一直都把它们作为英格兰的郡?? 爱尔兰,北爱尔兰,威尔士和英格兰是什么关系? 英格兰.威尔士.苏格兰.北爱尔兰...哪个实力弱?