
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/28 13:16:56
听人介绍才去买了片子,结果发现真的很好看,里面的歌曲也都十分好听,到现在我已经把3套都集齐了。千挑万挑,最后还是选了这首Gotta Go My Own Way(我在被窝里听了几十遍的说,很疯狂......)因为有不得以的苦衷,女主角凯蒂必须离开朋友去寻找自己的梦想,我们每个人心中都有自己的梦想,可总是不得不放弃。虽然不舍,可为了梦想她还是离开了。很钦佩女主角追求梦想的勇气,所以推荐了这首。

Having heard from others ,I bought this VCD.I found it really wonderful ,the songs as well.So I 've gathered 3 series of the VCD.After my hard choosing ,I finally choose "Gotta Go My Own Way"(I've listen to it for many times in my bed,so crazy I am. )In the movie ,the leading role Kitte have to leave her friends because of her dream,but she feels painful at the same time.In the end ,she 's gone,for her own dream,she can't give up.Everyone has his dream,but can never give in to others .I'm in favour of her courage and determination,so I command this song to you all.