
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/30 11:31:50
作者寄语:整体上说,我国机床工业(China machine tool industry)巳跨入世界行列第一方阵并进入世界前列,为我国国民经济发展和国防工业建设巳作出并将进一步作出重大贡献。值此建国60周年大庆之际,特就我国机床工业的新产品有关发展近况,向各用户部门作一简略推荐介绍,并表喜悦庆贺之忱。

As a whole, China's machine tool industry (China machine tool industry) had entered the ranks of the world's first square and enter the world, for China's national economic development and national defense industry have been made and will further make a significant contribution. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the founding of Daqing, the special on China's machine tool industry, the latest development of new products, the user departments to recommend a brief introduction, and tables to celebrate the joy of Lichen.

On the whole, China said China machine tool industry (tool industry) have entered the world and into the ranks of the world, and the square to the national economic development and national defense industry has made and will contribute to the further. On the 60th anniversary of China's machine, the new product related industrial development, to make a brief each user departments, and recommend the joy to celebrate Chen table.
