4142c 人工翻译英文,满意加10-50

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/29 06:39:29
As far as materials are concerned, a storyboard can be completed in pencil or in ink. Naturally, a inked-in board over a light blue rough will reproduce very well. A pencil board will have to be drawn boldly so that the subtleties of design will not be lost in xeroxing. Special care should be taken in lettering instrucion and dialogue. If your board requires shading or rendering choose a technique that can be duplicated without loss. Certain xerox machines are equipped to reproduce tones with dot patterns that will xerox easily. Of course, your storyboard can be photographed, but this can be costly and time-consuming.
It is possible to work on a flat surface such as a dest. But it is preferable to work on a slant board setup. Actually, a light-board would be the best of all. Choose a soft pencil that allows you to work both in a sketchy fashion and to do a tight cleanup. I would suggest a Mars 2B or a Berol 314. As for erasers, a pink pearl and rubber eraser will both be helpful.


可以在诸如桌子等平整的表面上绘制.但最好是在倾斜的工作面上绘制.实际上,最好选用轻质板.选用软质铅笔,这样您可以勾画草图,也可以随时清洁.我建议使用火星2B(哈哈…汉语倒有点别的含义哟---译者注)或者贝洛314铅笔.至于橡皮擦,粉红珍珠牌和橡胶橡皮擦兜可以.需要用粘接条或者喷枪来修正和粘贴画板.只能在室外开阔地带才能使用喷枪,这是由于喷雾会飘落到附近的所有表面上,当然包括您的肺部.手头上要备好修正液. 两种都要有.一种用于修正铅笔画或墨笔画,另一种则只能用于复制件.

As far as materials are concerned, a storyboard can be completed in pencil or in ink.
Naturally, a inked-in board over a light blue rough will reproduce very well.
A pencil board will have to be drawn boldly so that the subtleties of design will not be lost in xeroxing.
Special care should be taken in lettering instrucion and dialogue.
If your board requires shading or rendering, choose a techn