
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 07:31:58
用英文翻译过来…… 谢谢了 不要在线翻译器翻译的那种,不准!谁英语好帮我翻译一下……谢谢……
这么多答案 我用哪个好呢???大家给点意见啊!说点中文啊……

One's quality shall never be measured by his educational background.

素质早已有约定的翻译,quality,衡量是用学历衡量,所以judge不对,只有人与人之间才能judge,用judge翻译的话就需要judge……with……。学历,英文中就是 educational background,diploma是学位,当然也可以意指。

One's capacity can never be judged by his or her diploma.


A diploma is by no means a measurement of one's capability/potentials.

You can never judge a person's quality by his or her education level.


u can never ever judge a person from his academic qualifications

ps:check my baidu q/a records if u want

(1)The quality of a person can never be used to measure the academic qualifications.
(2)One should never judge a man by his education level.
(3)The spiritual quality of a people can never be judged by academic certificates.
(4)One's quality shall never be measured by his educational background.

One should never judge a man by his education level.