
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 03:44:31




请求高手帮忙, 非常急!谢谢啊.

Eiderdown care tips
The goods produced using natural eiderdown will release the feathers smell, a normal phenomenon, please stored in a dry storage ventilation Department to avoid moist, smell increased.
In humid or wet water, the correct approach is to use a dry towel to help dry up and stored in well-ventilated places aqueous natural dry, dry, the number of missions with their hands will shoot the feathers will be evenly lightly.
Or send personal cleansing, laundry dry cleaning, please marked by washing instructions.
On the specificity of feather products, sutures traffic occasional down or feathers show, please do not involve forceful, can only be returned to Cyprus.