
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/28 01:22:23
请分别翻译以下两句英语 1"他小时候就有一个心愿,就是长大后当一名律师" 2"自从跟随你后,我从你那学到更多的东西"

1.Once when he was young he had a dream,which is to become a lawyer when he grows up.

2.I have learned a lot from you since I followed you.

1 As a child he used to have a dream, is becam a lawyer.
2 After I follow you, since you learn more from it.

1.Once when he was yough,he wished to be a lawyer.
2.I have learned a lot from you since I followed you.

1.He had a desire when he was young .He just wanted to become a lawyer.

2.I learned much more from you since I followed you.