
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/02 12:52:28
莎士比亚是英国文艺复兴时期伟大的剧作家、诗人,欧洲文艺复兴时期人文主义文学的集大成者。他的著作颇丰,代表作有四大悲剧《哈姆雷特》、《奥赛罗》、《李尔王》、《麦克白》;四大喜剧《第十二夜》、《仲夏夜之梦》、《威尼斯商人》、《无事生非》;历史剧《亨利四世》、《亨利六世》、《理查二世》等。17世纪始,他的作品对各国戏剧发展产生了巨大、深远的影响,并已成为世界文化发展、交流的重要纽带和灵感源泉。他是“英国戏剧之父”,本•琼斯称他为“时代的灵魂”,他被马克思称为“人类最伟大的天才之一”。 有能力的大人们(最好是专业点的啦)把这段话翻译成英文,别有错啊,事成之后,悬赏一定额外加的,拜托了!!~~~ 我急用啊!!~~~ 各位大人们,千万不要用网上的翻译软件翻啊,我也在网上翻译过了,但是我怕那个不准确,这个东西是要给我高中老师看的,拜托了!!~~~ 鞠躬 致谢

Shakespeare is the great Renaissance playwright and poet, European Renaissance humanism literature. His works, including four tragedy Hamlet, Othello, king Lear, tragedy Macbeth, Four comedy the twelfth night, the midsummer night's dream ", "the merchant of Venice, the much ado about nothing, Plays, "Henry iv, Henry vi, Richard ii", etc. The 17th century, his works in the drama is huge, and the profound influence, and has become a world cultural development, an important link exchanges and inspiration. He is the father of English drama "Ben Jones," says he is "time spirit", he was called "the greatest marxist human one of genius.

Shakespeare is the great Renaissance playwright and poet, European Renaissance humanism literature. His works, including four tragedy Hamlet, Othello, king Lear, tragedy Macbeth, Four comedy the twelfth night, the midsummer night's dream ", "the merchant of Venice, the much ado about nothi