Heap memory和Stack memory他们的区别是什么?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/25 22:19:53

上午看某文章时候涉及缓冲区溢出的问题,谈到C的栈和堆,有所不懂于是baidu了一下发现论坛上的解释都较为凌乱,google一下后发现国外大学的Lecture Notes 中有不少的说明,下面简单的摘录三段,一是c中的,二是对于java的,三是从os角度看的。

Stack vs Heap Allocation
How the memory of the computer is organized for a running program? When a program is loaded into memory, it is organized into three areas of memory, called segments: the text segment, stack segment, and heap segment. The text segment (sometimes also called the code segment) is where the compiled code of the program itself resides. This is the machine language representation of the program steps to be carried out, including all functions making up the program, both user defined and system.

The remaining two areas of system memory is where storage may be allocated by the compiler for data storage. The stack is where memory is a