暗黑 的 那一段祭文

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 07:34:16
就是暗黑 恩。。。v1.09还是1.10哦,反正是有第五城市的那一种。。

在一个山巅,叫 亚特啥子啥子山巅哇。。。反正就是从冰冻苔原出切的那一个山巅,上头有个 “天堂的祭坛”,一点,看完祭文,就要打古人咯。。。


Marius: "I heard later that he was defeated. And that the Soulstones were destroyed in Hellforge. All except one. Ohhh, ohhh, I failed, Tyrael! I couldn't do as you asked! I couldn't enter that gate! Forgive me, Tyrael, forgive me! Ohhhh...

Tyrael: "Marius, give me the Stone, and all is forgiven! Give it to me, Marius!"

Marius: "Take it! Take it, take it! I'm glad this is finally over, Tyrael! Look what the stone has done to me!"

Tyrael: "You haven't failed old man. You've done exactly as you were meant to do. However, I am not the archangel Tyrael!"

Marius: "Baal! No! No, no, no, no! Nooo! Ohhhhh!"

Baal (Tyrael): "You have done well, Marius! Now I think you should have your reward!"

Marius: "Ohhhh, ohhh, what have I done to this happen

