汉翻英 高分(加急!)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 16:07:59
机器勿扰 快点的话再加分

我是2006年11月持457工作签证受雇于NSW DUBBO的WEBB WELDING.来澳洲以前,已经在中国长航集团青山船厂连续工作了20年。1986年技工学校船体焊接专业毕业后,分配到船厂当了一名船体焊工。从初级焊工一直做到船体焊接技师。持有从初级一直到技师的证书,以及NSW的安全上岗证。
来澳洲后主要是从事各种建筑的金属结构的制作和焊接工作。在接近3年的工作过程中,没有出现任何安全事故和大的质量问题。虽然我的英语不是太好,但是基本的工作交流还是可以应付。雇主BEN WEBB十分肯定我的工作能力,他于今年的3月正式提名为我做雇主担保移民。但是由于公司的财务状况出现问题,他的担保资格恐怕不能通过。而且从去年圣诞开始到现在公司已经累计欠14周工资和圣诞假期工资。
= =人才们,真的请帮帮忙了,翻好了我这剩下的500分都给你们也可以了...要是没人帮忙的话我爸就得逼我去翻了...真是抓破头皮也干不来的活儿啊.....


i was employed in the WEBB WELDING in NSW DUBBO with 457 visa on Novermber 2006. before coming to Australia, i have been working for 20years in the Qingshan Ship Company --- a subsidiary of China Changjiang National Shipping(Group) Corportion. i came to be a ship welding technician in that company after my graduation on the major of welding techniques from a Technical School on 1986. for the 20years working and learning, i got certificates successively from the welding junior to senior as well as the certificate for Security working in NSW.

in the 20years, i joined in the construction and repairing work for hundreds of different ships, 20 of which were the ships and containers (some of them are for chemical materials) to be exported to EU and North America. in addition, i took mostly the major part in many sorts of welding jobs for verious mechines and in varied construction projects. therefore, not only do i know most of the welding equipments, but al