劲舞里一个女生唱的开始上来第一句好象是什么 哎客比了歪什么的。有哪为知道告诉下 谢谢

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 13:58:41
歌曲好象是英文的。但是我记的朋友说过一个中文名也能搜到的 四个字的

《倾我所有》,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
I Could Be the One
I could be your leafy island
I could be your thunder in the clouds
I could be your dark enclosure
I could be your romantic soul
I could be your small beginning
I could be your suit in universe
I could be ordinary
I could be the one

I could be your sea of sand
I could be your warmth of desire
I could be your prayer of hope
I could be your gift to everyday

I could be your tide of heaven
I could be a hint of what’s to come
I could be ordinary
I could be the one

I could be your blue eyed angel
I could be the storm before the calm
I could be your secret pleasure
I could be your well wishing well
I could be your breath of life
I could be your European dream
I could be ordinary
I could be the one

Now I would lie here in the darkness
Now I