高分在线等 英语翻译(政府类) 机翻免进

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 19:09:54
以公共危机生命周期理论为基础,现有的研究主要集中在两个方面:1)公共危机的概念和类型、过程。不同类型的公共危机和相同类型公共危机的不同阶段对政府应急管理措施的要求都是不同的。例如薛澜、钟开斌对不同公共危机进行分类、分级与分期,将公共危机划分为自然灾害、事故灾难、突发公共卫生事件、突发社会安全事件以及经济危机等五大类型,将公共危机的过程划分为预警期、爆发期、缓解期、善后期等四个阶段 。2)公共危机应对机制。一般认为,公共危机应对机制应该涵盖危机的预警准备、危机的应急反应和危机后的恢复重建等三个系统 。然而,一个全面整合的公共危机应对机制远远不止这些内容 。

In public crisis lifecycle theory as a foundation, the existing research mainly on two aspects: 1) the public crisis concept and types, process. Different types of public crisis and the same type of public crisis of different stages of emergency management measures of government requirements are different. Example XueLan, open to different clock.bin public crisis classification, gradation and the installment, the public crisis into natural disasters and accidents, emergent public health emergencies, social security incident and five types of economic crisis, the process of public crisis erupted into early stage, stage, remission, rehabilitation period of four stages. 2) public crisis coping mechanisms. Generally, the public crisis coping mechanisms should cover the crisis warning and emergency response to the crisis after crisis and rehabilitation of three systems. However, a comprehensive integration of public crisis coping mechanisms far more than these. 我不知道不不对哦
