微软给我发了封邮件,关于Digital Locker Account的,大家知道是什么的吗

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/31 21:49:57
微软给我发了封邮件,关于Digital Locker Account的,我不知道接下来我要做什么?说是8月31号到期,我电脑里的数据会丢失?

Your Digital Locker Account Will Be Closed August 31, 2009.

Dear Digital Locker Customer,

This is to notify you that on November 20, 2008 Windows® Marketplace transitioned from an e-commerce site to a reference site. On Windows Marketplace you will find links to sites such as Microsoft Store, Windows Vista® Compatibility Center, and other destinations with compatible software, hardware and devices that support Microsoft platforms. As part of this transition, the digital locker service affiliated with Windows Marketplace will be closed on August 31, 2009.

If you made a purchase on Windows Marketplace, you acquired a digital locker account in order to purchase, download and install products from Windows Marketplace. You may be using your digital locker account to store and maintain information about software you purchased, including license information to enable

你是在Windows Marketplace 注册了一个 Digital Locker Account 吗?
大概意思就是说 你要在8.31之前 备份一下你的 Digital Locker Account
这个账户可以对存储一些你在Windows Marketplace里下载或者安装过的一些程序,进行统计或者记录,如果丢失 ,那么那些数据也就没有了...
