
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 03:10:23

I'm just a nobody that you won't remember, so why should I spend my time following you to the end of the world?

I forgot you turned on the passers-A, what keeps you wasted years to the End of the World?

I am the passer-by armor which you turn around to forget, why to accompany your wasting time time passage to the horizon?

i am just a somebady who will soon be forgetten when you turn backaward,is therer any reason for me to waste my best times accompanying you till the end of the world?

How can you expect me to follow you to the end of world, since you can forget me so easily and treat me as a passer-by???

I turned to forget you are a passer-by, wasted time by what accompany you to the world?