About the properties of water

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 22:12:42
What is the difference between cohesive force and high surface tension ?

p.s. Chinese is available.

The cohesive forces between liquid molecules are responsible for the phenomenon known as surface tension. The molecules at the surface do not have other like molecules on all sides of them and consequently they cohere more strongly to those directly associated with them on the surface. This forms a surface "film" which makes it more difficult to move an object through the surface than to move it when it is completely submersed.
The cohesive forces between molecules down into a liquid are shared with all neighboring atoms. Those on the surface have no neighboring atoms above, and exhibit stronger attractive forces upon their nearest neighbors on the surface. This enhancement of the intermolecular attractive forces at the surface is called surface tension.

Cohesive force is the force of attraction between the molecules of the same substance when they are close enough.

Surface tension is due to the cohesive force, but determined by all of the substances