
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 09:55:49
Writing (30%) In this section, you are required to write a passage of no less than 100 words based on the following situation. 给你的邻居写一封抱怨信,包括 1. 抱怨邻居家的宠物总在你的住所附近随地大小便 2. 请邻居采取措施及时清理动物粪便否则你会诉诸法律

My hobbies
My hobbies are very wide, from singing dancing playing the piano to playing football.
In my past life, I really got a lot from my broden hobbies, not only it built my body and mental healthy, but also I made a lager number of different kinds of friends through these. In addition, it made me know the importance of teamwork, we should help and love each other. When I felt sad, singing my favourate songs loudly could help me get rid of this bad mood.
I love my hobbies.
