
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/27 00:49:57
The Birth of the Twins

Artemis (as well as her twin brother, Apollo) was the daughter of the goddess Leto and Zeus. Interesting note, they got it on in quail form. Now, Hera wasn't too happy about her hubby, Zeus, messing around on her like that, and sent all sorts of horrible things after Leto (like a Gadfly and a scary dragon/serpent named Python. She also made a decree that Leto could not be allowed to rest anywhere on solid ground. Poor Leto eventually made it to Ortygia, where Artemis was born. Artemis was a really good daughter, because when she was born, she saw her mother in pain, and helped Leto over to the straits between Ortygia and Delos. There, between an olive-tree and a date palm (the two sacred trees of Leto as the Egyptian and Palestinian Lat), Artemis played midwife as her brother Apollo was born. They say that until Apollo's birth, Delos had been a floating island, but as the baby boy was spilled upon its sand, the island grew roots and had been f

阿耳忒弥斯(以及她的孪生兄弟,阿波罗)是女神勒托和宙斯的女儿. 有趣的是他们的由来和鹌鹑还有些牵连. 赫拉不满于她丈夫对勒托的迷恋,她派遣了很多恐怖的东西去迫害勒托(如牛虻和一条可怕的巨蟒) 她还下了禁令,不允许勒托在任何坚实的土地上休息.最终勒托来到了Ortygia岛,在那里诞下了阿耳忒弥斯. 阿耳忒弥斯是个好女儿, 因为她出生后看到了她妈妈很痛苦,就帮她母亲穿过了Ortygia岛 和 Delos岛之间的海峡,来到了一棵橄榄树和一棵棕榈树之间. 阿耳忒弥斯扮演了助产士的角色帮助她母亲生下了阿波罗.在阿波罗出生前, Delos是一个四处漂浮的小岛,在阿波罗出生后小岛开始长出根,从此便固定下来了.赫拉禁止厄勒梯亚,生育女神,去帮助勒托. 最后是神用一条美丽的项链贿赂了赫拉, 厄勒梯亚才能到达勒托的身边.一些故事说,阿耳忒弥斯是第一胎,相对容易诞生,但她的弟弟就难产了. 于是她出生后,她帮她的母亲经过9个小时才生下她弟弟阿波罗.因此,阿耳忒弥斯又被认为是分娩保护神 。

关于诞生的故事还有其他版本,以上的是最广泛接受的一个.还有些说阿波罗是秘密生下的. 荷马说,他出生于利西亚. 圣经新约上说他生在Ortygia 岛.另外还有两个国家都说他是本地人. 关于阿耳忒弥斯在上述故事中的参考较多. 在古希腊神话故事里, Artemis是位比较放荡的女神,鹌鹑是她的代表鸟. Ortygia 又称为鹌鹑岛,是成群的鹌鹑春天迁徙时休息的地方.

最后一句中,我不太确定说的是不是Artemis, 其他故事里Asteria 是和鹌鹑有点关系, 但你给的段落是说Artemis我也就照着翻了
