
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 14:51:01
公司名: 某知名中资 网络服务或网络交易
职位名: Web高级开发工程师
工作地: 杭州


- 有一定的高可用性、高并发性、高压力系统设计开发经验;
- 三年或以上JAVA及相关技术经验,对J2EE体系及Web开发有深刻理解;
- 精通面向对象原理,熟练运用设计模式,熟悉UML并能使用其完成系统设计;
- 熟练运用HTML、CSS、Javascript等技术;
- 熟练运用WebWork/Struts2、Spring、iBatis、AJAX相关等框架技术;
- 熟悉数据库原理,具有三年或以上Oracle或MySql数据库开发经验;
- 了解Cache原理,熟练运用Memcache或其他Cache技术;
- 具备持续学习能力,有创新思维,并能够主动分享;
- 具备一定领导力,能够领导五人以下项目团队工作;
- 专科或更高学历;


Company name: a famous domestic network service or network transactions
Position: the Web development engineers advanced
Locate: hangzhou
Job description:

Leading or participated in a million grade flow website construction and other skills and requirements:
College degree,
5 years or above relevant working experience.

- have high usability, high concurrent sexual, high pressure system design experience,
- three years or above relevant technology and experience, JAVA on J2EE system and Web development have profound understanding,
- master object-oriented methodologies, proficient design patterns, familiar with UML and can use its complete system design,
- skillfully use HTML, CSS, Javascript technology,
WebWork proficient - Struts2 / iBatis, AJAX are, and related technologies,
Familiar with principle of database, - three years or above experience in Oracle or MySql database development,
Cache - to understan