英文怎么说 我不在乎什么样的英格兰傀儡被放在王位上来通知这个庞大的日不落帝国。

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/29 04:57:12

I do not care what kind of puppet is placed on the throne of England up the Japanese did not notice this huge empire. Who controls the British Empire's money supply controls the British Empire, and this person is me

I don't care what England puppet was put up the notice this huge throne, don't fall empire. Who controls the empire's money supply, who took control of the British empire, but this one is my.

I don't care what England puppet was put up the notice this huge throne, don't fall empire. Who controls the empire's money supply, who took control of the British empire, but this one is my.