
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/18 21:59:12
If you look for a book as a present for a child. You will be spoiled for choice even in a year there is no new Harry Patten J.K Rowling’s wizard is not alone the past decade has been a harvest for good children’s books ,which has set off a large quantity of films and an increased sales of classics such as The lard of the Rings.
如果你要找一本书送给孩子作礼物,你会感到难有如意的选择,甚至在一年内不会有新版的《哈里•波特》。而在过去的十年里《J.K 罗灵的奇才》并不是独一无二的,那时优秀的儿童图书并不少见,甚至有许多已拍成了电影,一些优秀作品如《指环王》销量大增。



If you are looking for a book given to children as gifts, you will feel difficult to choose the cake, and even within a year there will be no new version of "Harry • Potter." In the past decade "JK roaring of the Wizards" is not unique, when the excellent children's books are not uncommon, and even many have turned into a film, a number of excellent works such as "Lord of the Rings" sales surge .