翻译高手请进来帮忙 急用啊

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 22:34:09
二. 代理商作为旁观者或直接受害者感觉现在TTD公司在大中华区域的管理不到位,系统、区域混乱根本没有一个各部门各区域协作精神。

As spectators or direct victims, agents feels that the management of TTD Company in the Greater China area is inadequate, and there's chaos in both of the system and district, lacking the team spirit that is required in every department and district.

2. As onlookers or direct victims, agents feel that the current TTD company's management in the Greater China area is not in place, that virtually there is no cooperation between departments and districts. It's a chaos in the system and districts.