
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/28 16:14:07
why do you need firend ?make a list of reasons why firends are important to you.
像1. 2 .

We all need friends. Friendship is one of the bright part of humanity, and therefore only with a bright and open heart can you gain true friendship. However, this is not what I am talking about. I will talk about why friends are important to me.

We can make a simple list about that - the reasons that I need friends

1. With friends I can do things never possible on myself
2. Some friends are better than you in something and you can learn from them.
3. Friends will be an important social asset when I enter the society.
4. When you get depressed being with some friends are always better than being along.
5. I just like to be with friends, otherwise I feel lonely.

Your can list many others, but in a word, friends can help you, so can you them, that is the great thing about friendship. For example, when I have got to do something I cannot do myself, I go to my friend and do it with their help. The same thing happens when you are trying