
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 20:45:52
Have you signed or accepted any agreement or are you otherwise subject to any restrictions, whether you believe they are enforceable or not, that 1) restrict the job responsibilities that you can perform for IBM or 2) prohibit you from working for IBM in any capacity e.g. non-competition agreement, non-disclosure agreement, non-solicitation agreement, stock option or restricted stock grant agreement with your current or former employers or pursuant to applicable government conflict of interest restrictions?



都是法律文字, 常规套话, 倒是也没说什么特别的.

不管你签字或者接受任一条款, 或是适合我们规定那一类人, 你必须遵守我们的相关规定, 无论你是否认为我们可以强制实行,
1. 只能做IBM公司允许你做的工作.
2. 禁止你在IBM做任何方式的工作, 比如, 不当竞争条款, 保密条款, 股票计划, 或你现在或以前雇主提供给你的有限的股票赠送等等, 或符合政府规定的利益冲突的规定

Have you signed or accepted any agreement or are you otherwise subject to any restrictions, whether you believe they are enforceable or not, that 1) restrict the job responsibilities that you can perform for IBM or 2) prohibit you from working for IBM in any capacity e.g. non-competition agreement, non-disclosure agreement, non-solicitation agreement, stock option or restricted stock grant agreement with your current or former employers or pursuant to applicable government conflict of interest restrictions?
