
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 21:42:35
小弟明天就不能上网了.请大家尽量给予帮助.小弟分数也大把大把的送.200分.先给100再追加100 十万火急..帮忙帮忙

居住问题与人们的生活休戚相关,随着全球环境问题日趋严峻,人口密度过高,交通拥挤 缺少绿化 环境质量下降等难题无法解决。人类必须大力减少对自然的破坏,并努力达到人与自然的和谐共生“生态居住社区”不失为一项有效的对策。通过对1 社区 生态及可持续发展的概念尽心研究得出生态居住区的定义 2 从文化观念 美学取向 生活模式等方面建设生态居住社区的社会环境 3 对吐鲁番坎儿井 上海里弄式住宅进行研究,在传统民居中搜索生态精神 4 根据市政系统规划条例对生态居住区进行规划与设计。 以此改善居住社区的质量,符合可持续发展的原则,达到人与自然的和谐共生.
请尽量不要贴 google 的翻译好么..再次谢谢. 恩.我的语法可能有点问题.只能拜托大家了

哈 我来试试~
Living condition and people's daily life, connect cheek by jowl.As the environment problem becoming more and more serious,the high population density,crowed traffic,the lack of green area and the decreasing environment quality can't be sloved.Humans must take action to lessen the damage of nature,and trying to keep humans and nature balance."Eco-living Community"is a available measure.
1.According to research the community,ecosystem and the strategy of substainable development to difine "Eco-living Community".
2.To bulid social environment of eco-living community based on cultural concept,the aesthetic-oriented and life model etc.
3.To search ecological spirit from the traditional resident by study the kariz in the Turfan Basin and lanes and alleys in Shanghai.
4.On the basic of program regulations by municipal to plan and design the eco-living community.
According to the above project to improve the quality of reside